3 Myths For Tooth Loss In Adults

Loose Teeth in Elyria & Westlake, OH

A variety of causes might contribute to tooth loss throughout time. Even if you’ve already lost numerous teeth, knowing how to care for them and learning the ins and outs of tooth loss can help you restore and keep your dental health. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about tooth loss that can make it difficult for you to take the best possible care of your teeth. 

Here are three tooth loss myths for adults to help you make better-educated decisions regarding your oral health.

The loss of teeth is an unavoidable part of growing older.

As you get older, your enamel thins out and your chances of acquiring dental decay or gum disease increase. While it’s true that this increases your chances of tooth loss as you become older, you don’t have to accept it! Tooth loss is not an unavoidable consequence of growing older. Prevention and early treatment are the keys to avoiding tooth loss. Knowing you have one or more periodontitis or tooth decay risk factors is beneficial because it helps you to keep a closer watch on your oral health and take extra precautions to safeguard it.

You can’t obtain implant-supported dentures if you’ve previously lost bone.

Implants, like real teeth, are planted directly into your jawbone, so you’ll need a certain quantity of healthy bone in your jaw to acquire them. However, if you have previously had bone loss, there are a few options for implant-supported dentures. One option is to initially have bone grafts to assist enhance the density of your bone in the areas where the implants will be inserted. This method is most effective when only one or two problem areas require bone grafts.

Healthy old folks do not lose their teeth.

Tooth loss can happen for a variety of causes. Teeth can be knocked out in accidents, cracks can occur when we bite down too hard on something, and various disorders can damage our usually healthy teeth, as we mentioned before. Furthermore, we all know that no one is perfect and that no one has ideal hygienic practices. Even if you are in good health, it is critical to provide your teeth and mouth the attention and care they require. You may already be aware that your oral and general health are intertwined. You may unintentionally allow bacteria into your body, causing inflammation and other problems, if you overlook the health of your mouth. Keeping your body in good shape is essential.

To know more about how to deal with tooth loss as an adult book an appointment with  Dr. Guirguis call us on (440) 835-8883 or (440) 365-0455 or visit https://www.guirguisperio.com/.

Treatments & Solutions for Bad Breath (Halitosis)

bad breath (halitosis)

Halitosis (bad breath) can highly negatively impact one’s self-esteem and it needs to be resolved urgently however usually the standard dental treatments provide only temporary relief. Microbial metabolism is the main culprit of bad breath. The oral region hosts hundreds of bacterial species. These organisms digest proteins and several fetid substances arise, leading to bad breath. Overgrowth of anaerobic gram-negative, proteolytic bacteria in the oral cavity can be diagnosed and treated.

Treating Bad Breath

Instilling proper oral hygiene practices in patients is the most effective technique to treat foul breath (halitosis). Although patients are typically hesitant to use dental floss, once the link between flossing and fresh breath is established, compliance improves (eg, just by asking the patients to smell their floss following each passage).

Mechanically lowering malodor (poor breath) can be accomplished by interrupting the tongue biofilm, which reduces the formation of volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Brushing the tongue, scraping the tongue, and chewing gum are all frequent treatments. Deep tongue cleaning should be a part of your everyday regimen in a gentle but effective manner. In recent years, several tongue brushes and scrapers have been developed. Brush the tongue in a posterior to the anterior direction in a gentle but thorough manner, having in mind that the most accessible posterior part stinks the worst.

With little repetition, even individuals with a strong gagging reaction can become accustomed to cleaning the back of their tongue. Because foul breath is worse when the mouth dries out (for example, at night or during fasting), participants should be encouraged to stay hydrated.

Even after practising oral hygiene, many people continue to suffer malodor of oral origin. Rinsing and gargling with an effective mouthwash may be recommended in such cases. Keep in mind, however, that many types of mouthwash contain ingredients that may harm the soft tissues of the mouth (eg, alcohol, sodium dodecyl sulfate, strong oxidising agents).

The best time to use a mouthwash is probably before bedtime, because the mouthwash residue may stay in the mouth for longer and have a greater effect, and because the bacterial activity that causes bad breath (halitosis) is highest at night when saliva flow is practically non-existent and microbial activity is at its peak.

Although an individual’s bad breath (halitosis) may significantly improve after evaluation and therapy, the patient may be unable to detect the improvement. This issue can be solved with the assistance of a “confidant,” who can help track changes over time.

The use of active chemical agents, in addition to mechanical techniques and standard oral hygiene measures, is used to reduce oral malodor (foul breath). Active chemical means include using mouth rinses, dentifrices, or lozenges to administer active antimicrobial chemicals. These chemicals reduce bacterial burden, which reduces the formation of VSC and VOC.

Changes in food (lowering substrate for VOC formation), especially in a high-protein diet, are another way to alleviate halitosis (foul breath). Due to the presence of lysozymes in saliva, which hinder bacterial growth, preventing the drying of the oral mucosa and stimulating salivary flow helps alleviate oral malodor (halitosis).

If you want to get rid of your bad breath permanently, give us a call on (440) 337-4008 or (440) 337-4005 or visit https://www.guirguisperio.com/.

10 Tips for Long-Term Success of Removable Implant-Retained Dentures

Implant-retained dentures or screw-retained dentures are being preferred by many over permanent dentures owing to their ease of use and inexpensive pricing. Screw retained dentures don’t cost a lot of money but you have to be a little careful while maintaining them. Also, taking proper care of removable dentures should be a habit and not something you do once in a blue moon.

Implant Supported Dentures

Here are 10 tips for the long-term success of removable implant-retained dentures

Use Additional Implants

While using two implants is necessary when you opt for removable dentures, using additional implants help you secure long-term usage of implant-retained dentures.

Position Implants in a Parallel Manner

To prevent bending movements from occurring on off-angle implants, it is imperative to place the implants parallel to each other. Surgical guides and CAD planning prove to be highly useful in ensuring the implants remain placed in a parallel position.

Don’t Miss Regular Visits

Even if you are taking utmost care while looking after your implant-retained dentures, it is important to maintain your recall visits to your dentist. Their guidance will help you in taking better care of your dentures.

Get an Understanding of Bending Movements

A bending movement is referred to the one wherein the implant makes an effort to swirl around the centre of rotation. If the movement is too strong or aggressive, it can cause bone loss and other issues.

Choose Appropriate Implant Positions

If you choose the right implant positions, there will be limited stress or tension around the implants and there will be minimal chances of complications happening.

Be Careful About Mini-Implants

Mini-implants are inexpensive and can be placed easily inside the mouth. However, there are multiple risk factors associated with them including implant fracture.

Reline At Regular Intervals

Removable dentures need to be relined from time to time. While it is difficult to know when your dentures need to be relined, it would be advisable to visit a dentist at least once a year.

Choose Right Attachment System

After consulting with your dentist, choose an attachment system that will work the best for you. Opting for an attachment system that doesn’t suit you will result in complications.

Replace Before It Fails

Holding on to a denture that has been showing signs of degradation or some other issue wouldn’t be a wise thing. Before your dentures fail completely and cause harm, get them replaced.

Enable Support of Tissue and Tooth

The torque on implants can be minimized by maximizing the contact of a soft-tissue with a denture. The dentures should be fixed in a way that the tissues and the tooth support their placement.

Maintaining removable implant-retained dentures becomes much easier when you consult a seasoned dentist like Dr. Guirguis. Whenever you face any issue with your dentures or need some help looking after them, you must schedule an appointment with him.

10 Ways to Stop Bleeding Gums

Injury, brushing your teeth aggressively, inflammation or pregnancy are some of the common causes of bleeding gums. Gum inflammation can lead to tenderness or swelling and is indicative of the occurrence of periodontal diseases like periodontitis and gingivitis.

bleeding gums

Here are 10 ways to stop bleeding gums

Don’t Smoke

You can’t ask yourself what causes bleeding gums and smoke. Apart from being the reason behind different heart diseases and lung cancer, smoking is known to cause bleeding gums. Smoking adversely affects your immune system and makes it harder to get rid of plaque bacteria. This directly leads to the occurrence of gum disease.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

It is important to be regular with basic oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing your teeth. If you don’t do these things regularly, bacterial presence might build up around your teeth and could lead to gum diseases.

Manage Stress

Most people don’t realize this but there is a relation between emotional stress and bleeding gums. The higher the amount of stress in your head, the lower will be your body’s immune system. A weak immune system would not be able to ward off gum infection.

Use Salt Water to Rinse Your Mouth

Rinsing your mouth with moderately warm salt water is one of the most effective ways to reducing the presence of bacteria and avoiding gum bleeding.

Vitamin C in Abundance

If you practice oral hygiene habits and still find your gums bleeding, then there is a strong chance of your body not getting the amount of vitamin C it needs.

Use a Cold Compress

If the cause of your gums bleeding is an injury or trauma, then applying a cold compress to the gum line can help. Apart from reducing swelling, it will also restrict blood flow and ensure that the bleeding stops.

Drink Green Tea

Green tea comprises catechin which happens to be an organic antioxidant that helps in bringing down the inflammatory response of the body to bacteria present in the mouth. If there will be no bacteria in your mouth, there will be little chance of your gums bleeding.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Rinse Your Mouth

Apart from acting as a disinfectant for your hands, hydrogen peroxide also proves to be effective in getting rid of plaque from your health and reducing the possibility of gum bleeding.

Get Yourself Vitamin K

When a person suffers from a blood clot, they are advised to take the kind of food items like spinach and mustard greens that are rich in vitamin K. A deficiency of vitamin K could increase the possibility of bleeding gums.

Go Easy on Carbohydrates

Consuming food items that are rich in carbohydrates or sugar results in plaque and bacterial growth. Gum health improves when your body consumes carbohydrates in minimal quantity.

If you have been suffering from the issue of bleeding gums, you must schedule a consultation session with Dr Guirguis, the best man to treat this condition.

4 Quite Crucial Aspects You Need to Know Before Planning on a Gum Graft

The gums protect the tooth roots. In certain people, the gum progressively wears away, exposing the tooth root. This condition is known as gingival recession or receding gums. Sometimes a gum transplant, also known as a gingival graft, is the only method to remedy the condition.

A gingival graft is a treatment used to treat receding gums. The procedure involves taking tissue from the patient’s palate and grafting it onto the recession or missing gum location. In certain situations, a method incorporating donor tissue is employed.

Gum Grafting

In rare cases, incorrect brushing like too hard or not enough brushing, can cause a recession. A simple assessment of the patient’s brushing technique with the dentist or hygienist might sometimes be enough to prevent the condition from developing.

The Advantages of a Gum Graft:

There are many irrefutable benefits of gum grafts.

  • Strengthens and stabilizes the gum tissue that surrounds the tooth.
  • It protects the tooth against recession.
  • By covering the root with new gum, it reduces sensitivity in teeth with recession.
  • Depending on the circumstances, it may also be possible to restore an appealing grin.
  • Get complete safety in root exposure or root sensitivity.
  • It offers protection against gum disease and gum deterioration.
  • Bone loss and root cavities can be protected easily by gum grafting.

Treatment Time Frame:

The process takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes. There will be two appointments: one to conduct the operation and one to remove the sutures and check recovery.

Gum Graft Process:

The gum graft process involves three major steps, which are as follow

  • In the first step, a local anesthetic is provided tactically at the graft harvesting site. In this case tissue is extracted from the palate and grafted onto the gum and at the graft site.
  • The graft is harvested in step two.
  • At the final step, the tissue is grafted onto the receding gum line.

The Success Rate of the Gum Graft Process:

The success and satisfaction rates are quite high. In general, when patients brush properly, their chances of success skyrocket. Teeth that are retreating from the gums seem longer than usual. The natural and normal look of the teeth will be restored following a gum transplant. There are many proficient dental centers is dedicated to your dental health and the appearance of your smile.

If you are looking for a reputed dental clinic near you for an efficient gum grafting process, connect with the experts at Guirguisperio.

Original Source: 4 Quite Crucial Aspects You Need to Know Before Planning on a Gum Graft

An Effective Solution for Tooth Loss – Ridge Augmentation

Ridge augmentation is used to recreate the contour of the gums naturally. Additionally, if you dealing with periodontal disease, then ridge augmentation may be the solution for you.

ridge augmentation procedure

The objective of ridge augmentation is to enhance the volume of gum tissue for tooth replacement.

An Effective Solution for Tooth Loss – Ridge Augmentation

Hard tissue and soft tissue are the two types of ridge augmentation. Before tooth replacement, to recreate adequate bone contouring, the hard tissue augmentation procedure is followed. Whereas, in order to improve your esthetics, soft tissue augmentation is utilized.

Hard tissue augmentation is performed to recreate adequate bone contouring prior to dental implants or other tooth replacement procedures.

If you are looking for a process that can help restore the natural contours of your smile, try ridge augmentation.

At our clinic, Dr. Eric Guirguis will work with you to create a custom oral health plan so that you can attain the smile you’ve always wanted.

Attain The Smile You’ve Always Wanted With Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Technological advancement in dentistry has helped people attain better oral health and improve their smile cosmetically. Dr. Eric Guirguis specializes in a variety of treatments that help patients improve their teeth and gum health.

What is periodontal plastic surgery?

Periodontal plastic surgery also known as gum reduction surgery, refers to cosmetic procedures performed on the gums to enhance the appearance and overall health of your smile. At our clinic, we will walk you through the entire process and all of your treatment options so you can make an informed decision regarding your oral health.

Types of periodontal plastic surgery procedures we offer:

  • Functional Crown Lengthening: This procedure involves modifying the gums and supporting bone to expose more of the tooth structure for functional purposes.
  • Esthetic Crown Lengthening: This procedure is also known as a gum lift and only takes about an hour to complete. Excess bone and gum tissue will be removed to reshape the smile and expose more of the natural tooth structure. Once the procedure is complete, the newly contoured gums will reattach to each other and form a new gum line.

Why should you visit us?

At our clinic, we use the latest technology while providing you with expert advice and quality dental treatment in a safe and friendly environment.

Call 440-365-0455 for our Elyria office or 440-835-8883 for our Westlake Office and let Dr. Eric Guirguis and his team help you in attaining your desired smile!

Make a Beautiful Smile with Periodontal Plastic Surgery

The magnanimous advancement in dentistry has helped people to have the perfect smile and flaunt it with poise and style. If cosmetic surgery has resulted in unimaginable transformation in the appearance of people, then periodontal plastic surgery has carved a way to enhance the appeal of gums and teeth. Dr.Eric Guirguis holds masters in periodontics and dental implants and his command in handling complex dental issues speaks volumes of his knowledge and experience.

What is periodontal plastic surgery?

A periodontist is the plastic surgeon of dentistry who works to enhance your smile. Whether it is uneven gum line or long teeth which make the roots get exposed or there are certain indentations in your gums and jawbone, we are the experts in handling such problems. Once you are at our clinic we shall assure you the best of the periodontal plastic surgery procedures depending on your needs and dental health.

Which periodontal plastic surgery procedures we perform?

  • Crown lengthening: This is done for those patients who have an uneven gum line or their teeth are short.
  • Root coverage: To cover the roots or to make dental implants look natural or develop gum tissues wherever required, root coverage is done.
  • Ridge augmentation: It is done to correct the irregularities in the jawbone from where the teeth are missing or to save the jawbone from collapsing post tooth extraction process.
  • Pocket depth reduction: This is done to ensure that pockets are clean and the gum tissues are in place.

Why should you visit us?

With us, you can be assured of expert advice, latest technology, premium infrastructure and amiable staff who work round the clock for your smile.

Call 440-365-0455 at Elyria office or 440-835-8883 at Westlake Office and let Dr.Eric Guirguis and his team help you in getting the desired smile!

How to relieve your dental anxiety with sedation dentistry?

If at all you are feeling nervous or turning anxious whenever the regular dental checkup visiting time arrives then you need to get into sedation dentistry. It allows you to stay relaxed, and avoid experiencing any kind of pain, which together help in eliminating the dental anxiety that you have on-board.

Dealing with major dental anxiety:

Experiencing higher anxiety and stress levels before undergoing a major dental treatment process is quite a common thing. To overcome it in the right possible way, the dentist shall either go with general anesthesia or deep sedation. By following these techniques, the kind of discomforts you have on-board related to undergoing the required set of the treatment process will be eliminated in the first instance.

You will barely remain conscious to experience the anxiety levels that have been stopping you from undergoing the treatment plan. Your anxiety levels shall go down once the sedation technique has been followed by the dentist.

Get rid of moderate dental anxiety levels through oral sedatives:

If at all your kid fears to visit the dentist for a regular checkup then the dentist shall take the utmost steps to let them stay comfortable. A reputed dentist will initiate random conversation and befriend your kid to bypass the moderate levels of anxiety in them. If at all such conversations have not said to be helping in the first hand then they shall discuss with you regarding the usage of oral sedatives. They are available in pill or liquid form and can be conceived a few hours before visiting the dentist to remain calm and to bring down the anxiety levels.

Eric Guirguis is an experienced periodontal specialist who shall diagnose the dental anxiety levels and suggest the right kind of sedation dentistry that will let you stick to the treatment plan as derived earlier.

5 Things To Consider When Choosing Sedation Dentistry

There are many individuals that have certain reservations regarding dental procedures. To help with that, we offer a variety of sedation dentistry options in Elyria and Westlake, Ohio to help patients get the treatment they need.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Also known as sleep dentistry, it helps in providing a relaxed and anxiety-free dental treatment to the patient.

Common Questions About Sedation Dentistry:

  • What does sedation dentistry include?

Sedation dentistry can include Oral Sedatives, IV, Nitrous Oxide or Local Anesthetic. You should consult with your dentist to determine which option is the best for you.

  • What are the benefits of sedation dentistry?

Your anxiety levels will be reduced and the dentist will be able to perform the treatment smoothly and quickly.

  • Why are different sedation levels chosen?

Depending upon the treatment required, your dentistwill select the sedation level that is best for you.

  • Is there any insurance cover?

You can contact your dental care provider for better insight regarding insurance.

  • What do you need to do?

Try your best to relax and trust your dentist. You may also need someone to attend the appointment with you to drive you home after.

Get an appointment with Dr. Eric Guirguis today. We help patients meet and exceed all of their oral health goals.

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